our story
The oldest known art in the world is a red ochre disk shape found on a cave wall in Northern Spain – from about 39,000 BC. In 2017, (about 41,000 years later) Red Disk was founded in Buffalo, New York and named to honor that human instinct to leave a meaningful mark. At Red Disk, we hand silkscreen wallpaper, patterned by artists in micro runs, using the environmentally sound, sophisticated color palette created by C2 Paint, also of Buffalo, New York.
Nearly 100 years after their first creation, renowned 20th century American artist Charles Burchfield’s designs, have been brought to life by the expert hands of our curators, printers, designers and paint specialists at Red Disk. While our first designs were reinterpretations of Burchfield wallpaper patterns in rich new color combinations, we soon added an instant cult classic toile of Buffalo landmarks by Roycroft artisan, Karen Matchette, and the nature inspired art of Cassandra Ott. Our collection is continuously expanding, as we work with new artists to create surface designs that are fresh, innovative and inspiring.

We work in partnerships with the Burchfield Penney Art Center, and with our artists. We also work in collaboration with our clients. Red Disk offers you the ability to tailor your wallpaper so it is unmistakably yours and so, a perfect design for your space.
With Red Disk, you choose from a collection of artist-designed patterns and you can choose the colors. We also have carefully curated suggested color palettes – if the hundreds of colors C2 offers is too much of a good thing! Our artisan printmakers hand silkscreen your wallpaper in 2-ft increments, and in multiple layers – even hand painting some areas. Because it is created with you, and only for you, it becomes your unique work of art.
To make a mark is to be human. To care to leave a mark is to be human. To be concerned with beauty, to be concerned with documenting, to be concerned with the passage of time – all makes us human.